
Yeah, I'm a pretty kick-you-know-what mom

Monday night we took Davey to the KISS concert in Boston for his birthday. I know, I know, I'm a kick ass mom. Or as Davey said, a kick-you-know-what-mom. Let me start by saying, if you've never seen KISS in concert, you're really missing out. They put on one hell of a show. I've seen them once before and I was afraid it would lose some of the appeal the second time around. It totally didn't. It was seriously awesome, even if you're not a big KISS fan. If you ever get a chance you should go, you won't regret it. This morning Davey told me that his throat hurt from screaming so much. He said, I screamed my guts out. I screamed so much I have gut stains on my teeth.

Anyway, here's our concert experience. In pictures.

Davey, pre-makeup. At this point he's seriously doubting my ability to do the Gene Simmons make-up correctly. Honestly, I was too.

No worries. I have mad skills, yo. I did it freehand. Apparently if my writing career fails to take off, I can always fall back on my face-painting skills.

Yep, he likes it. Hell yeah we're ready! Rock and roll, baby.

Seems like forever when you're waiting. Poor kid looked out the window just about the whole 3 hour train ride. I suggested he take a nap to pass the time.

He's most decidedly not napping. He's too busy making mean faces at me. He looks a lot scarier with the make-up on.

We had fantastic seats. Buckcherry opened, they were pretty good, better than I'd expected. This is right about the time when Davey looks at me and says, they've said the F word 10 times, mom. They need to watch their language. I kinda laughed off, then they started singing Crazy Bitch. Have you heard this song? Check the lyrics. It's a great song, just really, REALLY not kid appropriate. Good thing the lead singer was really hard to understand. Unfortunately "fuck" was about the only thing Davey did pick up on. Then the lead singer went on some tangent about how much he loved the first time he did cocaine before he started singing Lit Up. Ooops.

He's about to explode with excitement, we told him that Gene Simmons was behind the curtain. Had to do the horns again in celebration. Apparently Chris is pretty excited too, since this picture is so blurry.

This is one of my favorite pictures. That's Davey standing there on the left with his arms up. He's standing on the seat so he can see better, literally jumping up and down screaming. This was right before he turned around and yelled, Mom this is AWESOME!!

Gene Simmons above the stage singing "I Love it Loud", my favorite KISS song. This is of course after his whole blood spitting thing, which prompted another, this is SO AWESOME!! from Davey.

This is about the time I thought Davey was going to need hospitalization. Paul Stanley flying across the stadium. Davey's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

Because he was about 10 feet in front of us. It was pretty kick ass.

We smelled a strange smell...vaguely familiar...oh yes. It was pot. Very close to us. Hoping Davey doesn't get a contact high.

Massive confetti storm during Rock and Roll All Nite. It was a blizzard of fire and confetti. Looking back, probably not safe, but definitely kick ass.

They did a 45 minute encore, and we got to see the whole thing. We were pretty concerned that we wouldn't be able to because our train was scheduled to leave at 11:20, and if we missed it we'd be stuck in Boston all night (it was the last train to Maine for the night). We were done a few minutes before 11, so it worked out perfectly. Davey walked away with a $40 t-shirt (that incidently is about 14 sizes too big) and a $30 pair of signed drum sticks (even though he 1. doesn't play the drums or 2. doesn't know who the drummer is). I'm a sucker, I know. I can't help it. Looking at his face, seeing how excited he was, watching how much he enjoyed this whole concert experience, it was totally worth it.

The last thing he said to us before totally crashing was, thank you, SO, SO, SO much guys. This has been the best birthday present EVER. You guys are awesome. You're pretty awesome too, buddy.

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