I'd like to say I've been so busy that I didn't have time to blog, but I'd be lying. Actually, being busy would've been better. In fact, I've had the plague. Or maybe it's typhoid fever. It's hard to tell. All I know is my chest hurts, my head hurts, my body aches, my nose is stuffy, and I feel like a large pile of crap. Now the simpleton may say, hello? Sounds like the flu. I say, psh. It's clearly rheumatic fever. I also could just have the flu and am picking random illnesses to garner sympathy, but that's unlikely. Anyway, I'm sick.
It's not too surprising I'm sick. Davey had a cold all last week and kept germing me the way little kids do. You know how you say cover your mouth! 30 seconds after they spray you with sneeze or even better when they do cover their mouth, cough like crazy then wipe their hands on their shirt. You know those germs are just waiting to find a new home, most often of course on Mommy.
And mommies don't have time to be sick when there's cleaning to do. Saturday I spent the WHOLE day cleaning. Whole day, as in 8 am to 5 pm. I cleaned the house top to bottom, vacuumed, washed, dusted, the whole shebang. By the end of the day, I was like, meh, I feel like crap. Too bad for you, cheering in the morning! Kat had a competition Sunday morning. Chris and I had to "volunteer", which really means we had to work at it but be happy about it because it was "voluntary". I got Kat up at 5 am to do her hair and makeup, and we were still almost late. I swear I'm going to be late for my own funeral. We had over an hour and half to get ready, still couldn't make it on time, and I didn't even do my own hair, I wore a damn hat. I can't figure out why we can't get out the door on time. I think there's some kind of weird space-time continuum in my bathroom or something. Time just moves slower...or faster...I dunno whichever makes it so I'm always late. Anyway, but the time we were done on Sunday, I was like meh, I feel like crap.
So then Monday I usually work from home. But this Monday I was like meh, I feel like crap (see a pattern emerging here?). So I had Chris take Kat to cheering and I stayed home and watched t.v. I went to bed at fucking 8:00. I told Chris I was deathly ill, he said I was fine and that I was just over-tired. I was like, it's yellow fever damnit! He didn't believe me. I spend all night being either too hot or too cold. NyQuil did NOT help. Tuesday morning I woke up and dragged myself out of bed, took some DayQuil and waited patiently for it to work. After it took my 30 minutes to make the kids' lunches, and after almost passing out twice because I was so ridiculously hot, I called in sick to work. By the way, I'm still patiently waiting for DayQuil to work. DayQuil sucks. Today I'm trying Theraflu. Which tastes like ass, but seems to work ok. I think it's because I bought the special "nasal and sinus congestion, cough, body ache, sore throat pain, headache, and fever" kind. Here's hoping that "fever" means "treats rheumatic, typhoid and yellow fevers", otherwise I'm gonna have to break down and go to the doctor's.
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