Lately there's been all this talk about what is and what is not a mommy blogger. About why we blog, why we do what we do, and why we feel it's necessary to be put in a box (or bust open the seams of said box). I got an email today about yesterday's post. Basically tsk tsking me for talking about vibrators on a mommy blog. This, combined with Aunt Becky's (in case you didn't know, Aunt Becky is the shit. I totally stalk her and you should too. She rocks beyond compare) question, "Why do you blog?" really got me thinking. Who am I really? Where do I fit? Why do I really blog? Am I doing the wrong thing? Am I too "out there"?
I have kids, sometimes I talk about them. That doesn't make me a mommy blogger, at least not what people seem to think mommy bloggers are. If there was some rule that "mommy bloggers" weren't allowed to talk about things like porn or vibrators, no one told me. See the title up there at the top of the page? That's my name. My real name, well the Merritt part, not the ocracy part, that would be a hella weird name. name, my rules. If what I write offends you, don't read it. Because honestly, I don't write for you. And maybe that's not cool for me to say, but it's true. Yes, I love that people read what I write. I love when people leave comments, because it gives me validation that I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me. But at the end of the day, I write for me.
I have notebooks full of random shit that just pops into my head. I need an outlet for my crazy, and this is it. They used to have me on Prozac, but this is really much cheaper. You can only tell your friends and family about your random rambling thoughts so many times before people really start to think you're nuts. On my blog, I can be nuts, I can be crazy, because hey, crazy is the new black, right? (See how I just slipped that in there? I should totally be in advertising.) I write because I love to write. I love to have this crazy idea in my head, all jumbled and senseless, and just let it out into a (vaguely) coherent story. I love the process. I love everything about it. I've written for myself for way longer than blogs were popular, and really before the internet was even a "thing", I'm that old, y'all. It's always been my outlet, the only difference between now and then is, now, I have an audience other than my mother (my mom still reads my blog, even though she thinks I'm vulgar).
I'm doing all I can to not apologize for even possibly offending someone, but I'm not going to do it. As a wise sailor once said, "Aye yam who aye yam, and that's all that aye yam."
Way to go! I am a guy and I read your blog, and I enjoy it! You should be compelled to apologize about any thing you write. This country has forgotten that people have the right to write /say whatever they want. If it hurts your feelings....dont read it, watch it, or listen to it. As a society we need to stop folding to the whiners that say "ohh that hurts my feelings". Or even worse "that might hurt someones feelings". Keep on rockin it!
how have i not found your blog before!?!
as you know, i totally am in the same corner as you!!
awesome post!!
Not meaning to sound so '90s, but you go girl! I do blog about my son ALOT, but I wouldn't consider myself necessarily a mommy blogger. Why can't I just be a blogger? And if she doesn't like you writing about vibrators, then darn it, DON'T READ IT! Like you, blogging is a way to exercise creative writing, and it's also a personal outlet for me. That's what blogging is about. So keep doing what you're doing, keep on writing, and don't worry about the close-minded out there who just can't help but judge others. Hey, if it makes you feel better, someone posted a huge comment/article on one of my posts because I posted about bacon, and they didn't like that I was promoting bacon...go figure!
apparently, we are one mind. i wrote a post similar to this last night. Haven't published it, but I will.
Merritt, I love your site!
All of you that blog about vibrators and whatnot have my full support, I don't go there b/c I think I would be embarassed.
I read all of your archives in a day and a half last week, and was totally hooked.
All hail Aunt Becky for leading me here.
@sargentphoto, @Lisa, @melissa, @Multiple personalities, @Becca y'all overwhelm me with all this support! It's really nice to know that whether I'm talking about vibrators or my kids or anything in between, you guys are so supportive. Thank you.
Sometimes I feel like I'm walking a fine line because i write what I want but at the same time I don't want people all up in my shit because I've offended them. But, really, how can a person NOT offend anyone? Is that possible?
And, you're right... it's a big blog world. If people don't like ya then CLICK THE HELL OFF! But I like ya. So I'll be hanging around for a while.
Nice post! GA is also my biggest earning. However, it’s not a much.
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