
Ugh, Friday

Normally Friday's make me giddy, end of the work-week and all. Not today. This morning I spent literally 3 hours running errands and paying bills. I feel like I drove in one big circle...about 17 times, all the while thinking about my gas-loving Jeep. How irritating is it that not only is gas $4.02 a gallon, but also that I have to WASTE my gas because I have to pump the gas pedal to make it start right. Ugh.

Today was the first paycheck of the Dave Ramsey system. So far, so good. I got all the bills that were due today paid, and put all the allotted money in my little envelopes, stuck to the budget, etc, etc. Gold star for me today!

We're also having dinner with Dave and Kristy tonight, which is awesome. So...perhaps today is not an "ugh" day, but a "yay" day. Sigh. Chris is right. I really am a big gay.