Get your boobs off my donut
First off, aren't there inherent health risks with this? Not only for the bare-chested women who run the very real risk of burning their boobs on hot coffee (hello? ouch), but also for the customers. What happens when the waitresses' boobs touch the food? I don't know if boobs carry any more germs than hands do, and I'd like to think that most people wash their hands before serving food, do these waitresses wash their boobs just in case? Or like what if they bend over the counter and if their boobs aren't all fake and perky, their boob grazes the donuts? I'd be like, uh, get your boobs off my donut. It's like when Chris took me to Hooters for our first date (yes, he really took me to Hooters for our first date), the waitress was like fucking SITTING on our table, like kinda perched on the edge taking our order. I was like, uh, get your ass off my table. Chris was like, aww, don't get upset, I don't mind. I was like, yeah, I bet you don't.
Just like you don't mind getting ass germs on your table for the price of chicken wings at Hooters, I suppose the running the risk of donut contamination by boobs is worth it if you get to see naked boobs for the price of a cup of coffee. I like my food uncontaminated and boob and ass free, but that's just me.
Working the guilt angle
So far I've been able to score some pretty sweet stuff, because I'm either great at birthday guilt or he has a mistress on the side that the feels guilty about: A brand new camera (but baby, I REALLY want it for my birthday, and I never get anything), an Ed Hardy shirt (but baby, I REALLY want it for my birthday, and how often do I get new clothes?), and $28 mascara--now this one a little was harder to justify. He was all, that's friggin insane, what the hell is in it that makes it $28? And I was like, well it's called Yves Saint Laurent Effet Faux Cils. It's French. I think I threw him off with the French because he was all, what the hell does that mean? I was like, I have no idea, but it's YSL and French, so it must be good, right? And I just know that this would make me feel like I look better, and that will make me feel better about turning 30, and you know I'm really struggling with it. And honestly, how can you say no to that? It came in the mail yesterday from Sephora--and it really does kick ass, totally worth $28. Now you're probably thinking, what a greedy bitch, but it's not really like that...ok it is. But I'm completely unapologetic. Honestly, your birthday only comes once a year, why not capitalize on it? I also figure if on the off chance this isn't just birthday gift-giving guilt, and Chris really does have a mistress, I'm going to be able to get that Jeep I've had my eye on...
P.S. Apparently because of all the economy crap, people have actually found freaking Manolos at Goodwill (or so says Politco's Political Playbook). Seriously. I'll be cruising Goodwill from now on.
P.P.S. Effet Faux Cils means false eyelash effect, or so says the babelfish translator.
But have you gotten any smarter?
So what have I accomplished?
I've never killed anybody. This was always a possiblity given the fact I spent the better part of my teenage years drunk, high or both.
I've never technically been arrested, because the time the cops were standing watch outside my hospital room totally doesn't count.
I've succeeded in not causing serious harm to anyone. I'm counting "not serious harm" as not losing any limbs and accident resulting in less than 10 stitches.
I've been married...twice. Second time seems to be the charm.
I've been to college 7 times. Granted, I still haven't finished, but that's hardly the point.
I'm the same exact size I was when I was 18...if you multiply by 4, divide by 3, add 47 and find the square root of 8109283021983109283.
I've finally gotten myself a real wrinkle. Right in the middle of my eyebrows. No doubt from spending the past 29 years scowling at people. This is a success...because...well...ok it's not. But that's a lot of scowling, and that deserves some recognition.
Ok, so maybe I haven't accomplished all I'd wanted, or even really anything at all, but since I never thought I'd make it 30 anyway, we're counting these as successes.
I'm thinking that anything not a catastrophic failure is a success in my case.
Bees in the php
1. I'm not nearly as computer-savvy as I thought. In fact I think I'm computer retarded.
2. I don't know the difference between html, css, php, cbs or acdc. I don't know whether I should be backslashing or headbanging. It's all very confusing.
3. I'm way more obsessive than I thought I was. What started out as an excerise in improving my theme turned into a 72 hour ordeal rivaling my trek to the top of Mount Everest.
4. I didn't really trek, climb or ever even get close to Mount Everest, but I know that this programming shit was way harder.
That guy? He totally feels my pain. Anyway, enjoy the new atmosphere, tell me what you long as what you think is that I'm awesome and my hard work was totally worth it because my blog kicks all other blogs' asses...if blogs had asses. If not, go to hell and keep your opinion to yourself. See that computer? Yeah...don't mess with me. I'll php you...or something.
Violence UnSilenced
Because everyone tells you, smart girls don’t get into trouble like that…except when they do. Everyone tells you, pretty girls from good families with good values don’t get into trouble like that…except when they do.
I was 17 when it started. He was older, 19, tall, dark and handsome. When he was good he was wonderful, but when he was bad, he was a monster. The first time we had sex, he wrapped his hands around my neck, and smiled while I tried to squirm away. He whispered that he knew I liked it rough and laughed when I told him he was hurting me. The first time I disagreed with him, he slapped me so hard my lip split. I never knew what would make him so angry, or what would set him off. Once we had seen a friend of his at the movies, and I’d somehow “embarrassed” him. I spent the ride home crouching on the floorboard of his truck, fielding kicks and punches while he told me how disgusting, unworthy and stupid I was. As the cliché goes, he never hit me that he wasn’t sorry afterward.
My parents were clueless, they didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, and I certainly didn’t tell them. I stayed with him because they disapproved of him, my friends were jealous of me, and no one was going to tell me what to do. I stayed because I was too proud to ask for help and too proud to admit I’d made a terrible mistake and was in serious trouble. At times I think I honestly loved him, at times I hated him, but a part of me believed that he was right. I was worthless, and I deserved everything I got. I spent the next 9 months using makeup to hide bruises, wearing long sleeves and turtlenecks in the summer, and hating the person looking at me in the mirror. I hid until I couldn’t hide anymore.
My parents had gone away for the July 4th weekend. He and I were supposed to go watch fireworks. We were laughing and joking, it’d been a good day. I was looking at a pen he’d won at work. He told me to give it back, I playfully said no, and put it behind my back, playing keep-away. He seemed so happy, I thought everything was ok, but it wasn’t. I can’t remember everything that happened next, most of it was, and still is, a blur. I remember him picking me up by my ears and throwing me against the wall. I remember covering my face when I saw his fists coming at me. I remember him choking me so hard I lost consciousness. When I woke up, hot angry tears were streaming down my face, stinging on their way down. I was humiliated, I was furious, I was completely broken. I came clean to a family friend who told my parents. They never said anything about the bruises when they came home that Sunday afternoon, but their eyes told their story. They were filled with sadness, regret, and pity.
I’ll be 30 in 2 weeks, and even though the bruises are long gone, I’ll never forget what I felt that night on the kitchen floor. The person I have become is nothing like the girl lying on the floor all that time ago. I am strong, independent, and un-breakable. Even though I wouldn’t recognize that girl anymore, I can’t forget her. For my daughter, I can’t forget her. I have to remember, and I have to tell her story.
A big brother conspiracy and Hannah Montana?
In other annoying news, I hate my ipod. Or, to be more specific, I hate itunes...I think. I plugged my ipod into the computer to charge it, no problems, all is good. I'm sitting at my desk this morning, and all of a sudden I hear friggin Hannah Montana. I was like, oh hell no. So I went onto the next song...which was from High School Musical. SIGH. Now, I don't know who to blame here. My ipod, itunes, or maybe there's some big brother Apple conspiracy going on. Maybe they're trying to brain wash me with their peppy, up-beat preteen anthems about being preteen and fabulous even thought you're not even old enough to know what fabulous really is because you're not even allowed to watch an R-rated movied by yourself. All I know is Kat's music has invaded my ipod and I'm stuck listening to Rob Zombie and Hannah Montana, which just sucks. If I show any signs of regressing into preteen hell, please send help. k? kewl. c u l8r.
Meh, I feel like crap.
It's not too surprising I'm sick. Davey had a cold all last week and kept germing me the way little kids do. You know how you say cover your mouth! 30 seconds after they spray you with sneeze or even better when they do cover their mouth, cough like crazy then wipe their hands on their shirt. You know those germs are just waiting to find a new home, most often of course on Mommy.
And mommies don't have time to be sick when there's cleaning to do. Saturday I spent the WHOLE day cleaning. Whole day, as in 8 am to 5 pm. I cleaned the house top to bottom, vacuumed, washed, dusted, the whole shebang. By the end of the day, I was like, meh, I feel like crap. Too bad for you, cheering in the morning! Kat had a competition Sunday morning. Chris and I had to "volunteer", which really means we had to work at it but be happy about it because it was "voluntary". I got Kat up at 5 am to do her hair and makeup, and we were still almost late. I swear I'm going to be late for my own funeral. We had over an hour and half to get ready, still couldn't make it on time, and I didn't even do my own hair, I wore a damn hat. I can't figure out why we can't get out the door on time. I think there's some kind of weird space-time continuum in my bathroom or something. Time just moves slower...or faster...I dunno whichever makes it so I'm always late. Anyway, but the time we were done on Sunday, I was like meh, I feel like crap.
So then Monday I usually work from home. But this Monday I was like meh, I feel like crap (see a pattern emerging here?). So I had Chris take Kat to cheering and I stayed home and watched t.v. I went to bed at fucking 8:00. I told Chris I was deathly ill, he said I was fine and that I was just over-tired. I was like, it's yellow fever damnit! He didn't believe me. I spend all night being either too hot or too cold. NyQuil did NOT help. Tuesday morning I woke up and dragged myself out of bed, took some DayQuil and waited patiently for it to work. After it took my 30 minutes to make the kids' lunches, and after almost passing out twice because I was so ridiculously hot, I called in sick to work. By the way, I'm still patiently waiting for DayQuil to work. DayQuil sucks. Today I'm trying Theraflu. Which tastes like ass, but seems to work ok. I think it's because I bought the special "nasal and sinus congestion, cough, body ache, sore throat pain, headache, and fever" kind. Here's hoping that "fever" means "treats rheumatic, typhoid and yellow fevers", otherwise I'm gonna have to break down and go to the doctor's.
Juvenile deliquents and Kip Winger
Considering a run for the Blue Collar Comedy Tour: I was putting David’s headgear on last night (it’s new this week. My mom says it makes him look a little like Hannibal Lecter, but I think that’s just her grandmotherly love showing), and I grabbed 3 elastics for one side and was like, oh man, that would suck, huh? And David goes, shyeah, I’d yell my aaa… and he trailed off. I was like, were you going to say ass? He starts laughing hysterically and was like, hahahaha, yeah I was! No apology, no guilty look, nothing. If he wasn’t so funny I’d consider punishing him.
Doing time: So last night I asked Kat how it went in the Assistant Principal's office and she goes, ugh. Mom, this one kid had his head on the table, like drooling, and this other kid just kept starring at me with a huge booger hanging out of his nose, it really sucked. I was like, well baby, welcome to juvenile delinquency. I think that the booger kid may be causing her to rethink her life of crime…
A match made in heaven: We were going through the drive-thru at McDonald’s and there was a Chevy Beretta in front of us:
Me: isn’t Beretta a kind of gun?
Chris: Yeah, and a television show with a parrot and guy who killed his wife.
Me: Wasn’t that like Night Ranger?
Chris: Night Knight RIDER. Night Ranger was a band.
Me: I thought that was about Kip?
Chris: Kip?
Me: Yeah, Kip? The car?
Chris: It's KITT. You're thinking of Kip Winger, you tool.
Me: Oh. Well I like Kip better. We’re naming our car Kip.
Chris: No, we’re not. That’s gay.
Me: And a car named KITT isn’t?
Chris: Shut up.
Edit: Apparently it's Knight, not Night. Chris took great issue with this...yeah he's a dork.
My daughter the bully
Ok so, Kat. Bully. Apparently, some little prick picked a fight with Kat on the playground. They were playing in the snow and she "asked" him to move (meaning she told him to get out of the way), he said no, she tried to walk over him and fell into him. So this kid starts pushing Kat, and she's like, oh HELL no. So she pushes him back, right before he punches her in the throat. She pushes him again, but this time a teacher is actually doing her job and paying attention, and starts yelling at them both. The little monster who started the whole thing flipped out and ran off the playground. Not ran inside, not ran away, like ran home. Loser. The teacher like dropped all of her stuff and ran after him screaming.
So a total of 5 kids (including David) saw the whole thing, and they all get pulled into the Assistant Principal's office, and they're all like, yeah, he started it, but Kat pushed him back. At this time, Kat and David are swearing up and down that Kat never touched him. The Assistant Principal is grilling her for like 20 minutes, and finally she goes, well, I MIGHT have pushed him. Apparently I need to teach her about the finer points of lying to teachers, because you never volunteer information! Sheesh. Anyway, the Assistant Principal tells me that Kat is going to be spending recess in her office for 2 days.
Chris and I said next time, make it count. If you're going to get in trouble for defending yourself against a little heathen, might as well make it count. Punch the shit out of him. I don't think that's the message the Assistant Principal wanted me to convey, but c'mon. Who wouldn't be proud of their daughter, the bully.